Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Understanding data breach: What happens to stolen data?

Image source: threatpost.com

 Data breach has made headlines several times in the past few years. It occurs when cybercriminals successfully infiltrate the data centers of companies and steal a data in the bulk, usually hundreds of thousands to millions of entries in a database. Stolen data usually comes in the form of user data such as names, birthdates, email addresses, passwords, phone numbers, and even financial information like insurance card numbers and credit card numbers. What happens to these stolen data when cybercriminals get their hands on them?

The first move of a cybercriminal after a successful data heist is to sell the information in the deep web. The more information embedded in these personal accounts, the higher the price. From here, cybercriminals can buy these accounts to do their dirty work.

Image source: pcmag.com
One of the most harmful effects of data breach is identity, bank, or insurance fraud. Cybercriminals can use the stolen information to access banks, use a person’s insurance, or generate fake identification cards. To make matters worse, the victim of stolen identity or credentials remains unaware of the fraud until it’s too late. Some cybercriminals can conjure fake identities complete with birth certificates, drivers license, and insurance documentation.

Another way cybercriminals use these information is by sending ransomware or malware to the victims through e-mail messages. They can also pretend to be e-mail messages from banks containing links that would require users to input their credentials in a fake website.

Founded in 2008, SiteLock is a global leader in business website security solutions, serving over 8 million customers worldwide. It is the only web security solutions firm that offers complete, cloud-based website protection and serves e-commerce enterprises, financial service companies, legal offices, and web developers and designers. Know more about cybersecurity and the company by visiting their official website.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

More ways to improve a company’s website security

Image source: sitewired.com

SiteLock has always been about keeping websites safe from hackers and other cybercriminals. The company has always believed that strong website security keeps each and every visitor of said website safe, which in turn, is good the business behind the site. As such, SiteLock never tires of sharing valuable information and helpful tips for both businesses and individuals that run sites.

On that note, here are more important reminders on how to improve a company website’s security.

Access settings

Some companies have entire departments dedicated to running the main website. SiteLock believes that the more people who have access to the settings of the website, the bigger the chances of it being compromised. As such, companies are recommended to restrict access to certain files within websites to key people. The rest of the employees can be delegated to do other tasks such as website maintenance.

Image source: interact-intranet.com
Device usage

Employees that run websites can access the site from just about any device if they have the proper credentials. Because of this, company-issued devices should be checked at all times and usage should be restricted to either key employees or extreme situations such as online emergencies.

Employee monitoring

Companies should give extra notice to everyone who has access to the website’s settings. There should be a record of people via access notifications. This may require a company to create a separate department for security, but SiteLock states it’s worth the safety and peace of mind.

Train your staff to spot cyber threats and attacks.

By properly educating your employees to distinguish cyberattacks, you will be one step ahead into protecting your data and overall security. Provide regular training sessions and update policy documents that encourage staff to place all guidelines into practice.

SiteLock, a global leader in business website security solutions, offers fast and reliable content delivery network, among many other products. Read more about the said solution here.