Tuesday, February 7, 2017

How companies can keep their websites free from hackers

Websites, especially high-profile ones, with a lot of information and traffic, have become the target of hackers everywhere. Many people depend on a lot of websites, and when these sites are brought down, it can paralyze a lot of everyday routines. But there are ways to keep websites secure. Here are some of them.

Always update the software.

One of the most critical parts of websites is the software used to run them. Websites should be updated as soon as new versions of programs are available. A lot of the security breaches performed these days were executed by bots that scan sites they can exploit. Updating every five days may not be enough to keep websites secure.

Image source: blog.lookout.com
Change common passwords.

Having a username/password gate is not as secure as many people think. In fact, it’s not secure at all, especially if the passwords used are common. When it comes to passwords, people have to remember to make them CLU – complex, long, and unique. Complex passwords should be far from personal preferences. Long passwords should contain at least 12 characters. Unique passwords mean that the password a person uses should not be repeated.

One server should contain a single website.

This is important because having multiple sites in a single container leads a very large attack surface. Hackers can aim anywhere and hit almost anything. Hosts should remember that different websites update irregularly, meaning one site may be secure, but the others may not. And if one site is infected, and they’re all on the same server, all the other sites can be corrupted before the hosts know it.

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Image source: ipzonecomputer.com
SiteLock has helped its clients for nearly a decade, by providing quality web security services like DDoS protection, firewall development, and automated detection and remediation of malware threats and other related scams. Learn more about the company by visiting this website.