Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Why should people backup their website files

Image source: blogvault.net
Backing up computer files, much like fastening seatbelts, brushing teeth, and seeing the doctor, is a must. Ever since the dawn of the internet, many dangers have emerged to threaten the very existence of files. These threats double especially when people have websites that contain very important information. Backing up of the files kept on websites assures the owners that should any virus or malware bring a website to ruin, important data are kept safe and locked away.

A lot of cybercriminals out there have figured out more sophisticated means to make a buck. They and their creations, these viruses and harmful programs have spread all over the worldwide web. They’ve crashed billions of computers and countless websites, erasing files for good.

Image source: autodesk.com
While it’s true that many of these files can be recovered, sometimes, the effort is just not worth it. The old saying that an ounce of prevention is a lot better than tons of cure applies oh-so-well in this particular situation. The mere act of saving files once a week to an external drive changes everything.

Just be sure to run them through an anti-virus program first before backing them all up.

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